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Trends in Adult Education

As the world changes, the way we educate changes. New styles, techniques and trends are continually arsing. One of them being the flipped classroom. What in the world is a flipped classroom? With this model of teaching, material is delivered to students outside of the classroom. This may be done online, or through assigned tasks requiring the learner to carry out research at home. I love this concept. With material being explored, researched, and "taught" at home, in school time can be spent applying that knowledge in a more practical sense. Which is perfect for a trade related apprenticeship program, like the one that I instruct. My students can learn the theory and basic principals behind tools and equipment, welding techniques, or layout, and then come and apply the things learned, in a real world situation. It frees up a lot more time for me to spend more one on one time with students that may be struggling with the newly learned material, and more time for those excelling to perfect their techniques. We have already started to integrate this style of teaching into our program and so far the results have been excelent.


Talking Education

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