Hello everyone! My name is Adam, welcome to my blog. If you’re looking to find out a little bit about me and my path that led me to this program you in the right spot.
I am 29 years old, happily married (to the amazing Brooke from Brooklyn D|Photographpy,www.brooklyndphotography.com), a father of two amazing boys and a little Disney obsessed.
My journey to becoming an educator all started many years ago. After enrolling in the criminology program at UCFV, straight out of high school, I continued my studies for two years before deciding I wanted to take a different career path. I pulled out of the program and followed the route of my brother-in-law and got involved in trade work. I had already tested the waters of wood work and thought the opposite end of the spectrum would be a good fit. So I applied and got hired on at a steel fabricating company, Tri-Metal Fabricators. This is where my apprenticeship as sheet metal worker began.
The apprenticeship was a four year program that required a total of twenty-four weeks of in-class training, split into six week periods, and a total of 6400 work experience hours, and I loved every bit of it. During the classroom portions of the program I found myself finishing all my assignments fairly quick and, in turn, getting ahead of the class. I took the extra time I had and stared helping out the other students who were struggling. I found it very enjoyable and rewarding to be able to help someone with a topic they were having troubles with and bringing them to a point of understanding. It was then that I realized being a trade school instructor might just be the thing for me.
Nearing the end of my apprenticeship I approached my teacher to discuss the idea with him. He was all on board for it, so that’s when my next adventure began. Since graduating my program I have been working at my trade school part time. I currently spend my time tutoring students in the evenings and instructing some evening upgrading courses. While it all helps me reach my end goal, I can only assume this program will give me that much more education to becoming a successful sheet metal instructor.

Email me at: adam_dudarewicz@hotmail.com